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I'm me.
. Pretty much an extremist.
It's 2010, so..18 years old. I secretly suspect that I have Korean blood. :) I just take life as it comes, improvising along the way. Oh yeah I like the colour yellow. Its bright. :D


I want.

World yellowsisation.


Yellow time!

Shake your bom bom!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Non-yellow lovers.

Shingie the Pink SueZen Ming Sarah the Red Ngui the Green Yong Ying LuYin Wei Tung JooYi the sampat Yin the lame Pui Yi May Farm the moooo Derrick the blue


Designer: yyanniies
Programme: Paint
Images: Self-drawn by Yyanniies
Bg: curving in Ps
도 라 와 :)
♥ Monday, December 27, 2010 4:33 AM

Heyyo! :p

I'm back from Singapore. :) Feels good to be back, even though Singapore is awesome. Public transport there is SO convenient man. == Compared to Malaysia. But oh wells. The grass is always greener on the other side, right?


Helped out @ Taylor's Open Day. WeiMae, Wen and I were in charge of campus tour. Hahahaha only Weimae got semangat, Wen and I got bored after a few hours. :x


I can't believe 2010 is about to end. :o (I know everyone says this EVERY year but yeah, it's trueee! ) The 2nd half of this year went by especially fast because I spent three months working. When you work 8 hours a day and 6 days a week, and spend your only day off participating in dodgeball tourneys, you pretty much have no life. lol. That's how I spent my 3 months. But I'm not complaining. ;)

Anyway, I feel like I didn't really live life to the fullest this year. It's my first year of college and all but I didn't do many exciting or productive. :x My simple resolution for 2011, 'To try something new'. When I say new I don't mean wearing a red shirt instead of yellow, I mean something like Bungee Jumping or Sky Diving! Erm....okay...let's skip the latter. But you get what I mean!

Hope it happens. :)

And I haven't been properly improving my Korean cos I've been too pre-occupied. :( I needa start, SOON! I promise myself. hehe.

Oh and my initial initiative (ironic much?) to learn a little French before college lessons starts has failed. == My goodness. procrastination to the max.


Yummy! Candy Cane :DDDD

I love notebooks. :) I have a few new ones at home that i was planning to use for my Korean and French notes. Obviously they're still empty but only at the moment. :) Just got this one as a gift when I bought a book at the airport.

Looking forward to reading again. an old hobby that has been gathering dust. :x I needa do more thought-provoking things man. My brain is degenerating! heh.

And I shall study harder next year! Not that I didn't study this year laaa. But yes we should always strive to improve ourselves. :B

A few old pictures from work that I found in my phone.

During PA. Had to replace candles to be placed in the public area toilets. I like this job! Cos I can sit in the corner of a room and do my work quietly. It was much better than cleaning the lobby area anyway. :x

Replaced candles here too.

Erm. This is what happens when you become desk clerk for around ten days. == Oh and why are stockings so damn bloody fragile!? -_______- I only wore my new pair 3 times and it tore. UGH.

haha. == desk clerk. I think I seriously improved my awful hearing ability during that period. I can still remember the first ever call I picked up. I said "huh?" about 6 times and the guy who called got SO frustrated. My supervisor was also like, "Why can't you hear what he is saying?" I told her my ears memang got problem and she burst out laughing. == not funny.


Random shot of my dog. ITS AMAZING, HE DIDNT COWER AWAY IN FEAR. haha. Probably cos he didnt realize. :p I is pro.

Thats about it. This post contains so much rantings that it should last for a few weeks! :] Baaaaaaaaaaaai!

좋 은 날.
♥ Monday, December 13, 2010 12:04 AM

:) Cute!

♥ Thursday, December 9, 2010 5:28 AM

Omg haven't been updating in agessssssssssssss. Nobody reads my blog anymore but I'll still update every once in a while :D Can't shut down my blog cos there's too many memories in it :)

Anyway internships gonna end sooooooon! CANT WAIT CANT WAIT. I can barely believe that there's only 2 more days to the end of this 3 month (10 weeks to be exact) industrial training! And I also can't believe that there's gonna be another 3 months starting in April next year. == But let's put the sad things aside for now. heh. :p

Internship has been pretty good I have to say. Pretty bad too, sometimes. But in the end, all the things that happened will just be good experiences that will contribute to the learning process. I've met many awesome people and even though I can't keep in touch with all of them, I've had a great time knowing them and I hope to work with them in the future. :)


Going to Singaporeeeeeeeeeeee for hols during Christmas. Can't wait for that tooooo! :D


I've been pretty busy juggling work and dodgeball for the past few months. Many tourneys even after CDL. Many more to come next year. :) Excitedddd!

Me, Shikin, Mastura, Ariel & WeiMae. Fellow trainees yooo! ;p

Also fellow trainees.

CDL year 2010. Awesome team, awesome memories, awesome bond. :)

TGT & Carebears HAHA. Best accomplishment.

Dinnaaaaaaaa with team.

Can't wait to go back to college! Classmates :D


Yumcha sessions. lol.

Oh and my car battery died. T.T In college after a tourney but I felt so lost and helpless. D:

More updates to comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. :B

♥ Tuesday, September 28, 2010 6:47 AM

All I can think about right now is how effing painful the middle finger of my right hand is. == Recently I've been injuring my fingers one by one. FML. This is the most epic one though. After I caught a ball the wrong way last night during practice, my finger immediately started to swell. I wrapped it with tape and continued to play.

Big mistake. ==

The next day, it looked like a 'lap chiong' HAHA. Omgosh so painful! :S I can't even hold a pencil properly la and my finals are like, what, TOMORROW?!


And how to play for CDL? ARGH!

Btw, this is my normal hand with normal fingers.

And THIS, is my cacated hand with the swollen middle finger. Even in pictures, it looks quite obvious. O.O

That's why I said, it has become....


lol omg lameeeeeeeeeeee.


My awesome choco mousse on the right, and Andrea's on the left. HAHA. Mine better laaaa. :p

OMG I can't believe it's gonna be October already! Time passes by suuuuper fast. It feels surreal sometimes. :/

Final exams coming up soon, then internship starts. I am worrying! :S *shall not think about it shall not think about it .


Wed dodge gangggg! :]


Service class today was da bomb yo! :D I'm so proud of our group 6 members, they're awesome! Did a wonderful job and ended our final service class for Term 3 on a very high note.


Birthday was last week. Celebrated with different groups of friends and family too, of course. The second celebration with friends was a failed surprise birthday party @ Windmill. :] I still appreciate it a lot okaaaay! Even though I don't SHOW it. ;) You know who you areeee. Lovesss. Hahahahahaha. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

CRYBABY. :))))))))

Qing and I. We're the fated sisters haha.



Thanks for everything! :D


TGT won the Jackpot tournament. It stands for Thank God for Tits btw HAHA. Okaaaay, aka Taylors Girls Team. :)


CDL CDL CDL. We lost the first match but mistakes are what make you a better person. It made us even more fired up for the rest of the matches. Our 3+3 memang can make it oneee. We just need more confidence! Too bad me and Actually can't make it tomorrow. :( Next monday next mondaaaay! :D

♥ Thursday, September 16, 2010 12:32 AM

Webcams ftw! My dog didn't realize that I was taking a picture of him hahahhhaha!

Probably the only reason why he didn't run away to cower in a corner. == doggie scared of cameras. what a joke. looool.

♥ Wednesday, September 15, 2010 11:58 PM

Heeheeee my dog is sho cuteeeeeeeeeeee! :p

♥ Sunday, September 12, 2010 3:39 AM

I was so bored that I decided to wash the car. == not something i would usually do. siigh...